Data centers world wide is responsible for 200M tons of CO2 per year. This number is doubled every 5 years.
Dave was announcing, which is an open source project of a tool for measuring eco gases for an organization. The initiative is funded by Sun.
Question from the the visualizer: Talking about eco responsibility, why is the CEC in Las Vegas?
Unanswered from the stage, though.
Do you measure how iwork users save? It shifts to my house.
A: measurements are being done. Why not sponsor residential solar panels?
Jonathan Schwartz
No suit and tie today! Always enjoyable to listen to Jonathan.
He presented an interesting division of the market and opportunities into how our customers look at their IT strategies. Sun will be investing in companies that see IT as a weapon, not companies that see IT as a cost. We're happy to take their purchase order, but our focus must be where the growth is.
Hypothetical question from Jonathan with regards to our CPU competitiveness:
What if Niagaras could execute x86 instructions?
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