Tuesday, October 9, 2007

5 Killer Sun Developer Tools Demos

I will give you the basics of this session and you can check it out when it comes online if you want more. Or ask Connors that attended as well.

So, what do we do to improve the reputation of our tools?

This was a walk-through of news in NetBeans 6.

1 - Java Editing Made Simple
* Smart Code Completion is improved witch also will give you constructions of commodity code depending on context.

* Instant Renaming will change all occurrences of for example var names.

* Different high-lighting depending of the type of variable; underlines, italic, etc.

* You can easily detach different modules from the base GUI, e.g., the Editor.

2 - GUI programming
* Easy to create object bindings.

* Localization
Changing if the language reflected directly in the visual designer.

3 - Java Profiling
Built in profiler with a heap walker for performance analysis. easy to get to the code that is causing the symptoms.

4 - Java EE Development
Easy creation of WebServices,EJBs and persistency (using the Java Persistence API).

5 - Ruby on Rails support with full code completion.

The NetBeans demos can be found at http://netbeans.org/kb/index.html

Customers can buy support for NetBeans at http://netbeans.org/kb/support.html

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